Vered Aharonovitch
Hanina Artist
2000-2004 - BFA art department at "Bezalel" academy of art and design in Jerusalem
2007-2009 - MFA, fine art at the Haifa University
Related experience:
2012- present - teach art at Muzot high school for the arts in Jaffa
2009 - present - one of the co-founders of "Hanina", a non-profit artists cooperative and gallery in Tel Aviv.
2015 - The young artist price from the ministry of science, culture and sport
2015 - peoject support from Mifal ha Pais council for the culture and arts
2014- project support from Rabinovich foundation and Tel Aviv municipality
2015 - solo exhibition ‘the art class’ at Meshuna gallery
- group exhibition at Neurotitian gallery, Berlin
2014 - solo exhibition The Fountain at Alfred gallery, Tel Aviv
- group exhibition at the education section Haifa museum of art
- duo exhibition at Beery gallery of contemporary art, kibutz Beery
- group exhibition at hanina gallery tel aviv
- group exhibition at the gallery of the open university of Israel
2012 - participating in "Art Rotterdam"
- group exhibition at the Haifa museum of art
- duo exhibition at Alfred gallery, Tel Aviv
2011 - participating in the "Fresh Paint" Contemporary Art Fair, Tel Aviv
- solo exhibition at the Hayek center for contemporary art, Jaffa
- group exhibition, at Galon art gallery, Tel Aviv
- group exhibition at Hahalalit gallery, Tel Aviv
2010 - group exhibition Apart Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
- group exhibition at Hanina contemporary art, Tel Aviv
2009 - participating in the "Fresh Paint" Contemporary Art Fair, Tel Aviv
- graduate exhibition of mfa fine art at Haifa University
- group exhibition at "Agripas 12 Gallery, Jerusalem
- group exhibition at Misrad gallery in Tel Aviv
- group exhibition of Haifa Mfa graduates at the Tel Aviv artists studios
- group exhibition at Hanina contemporary art, Tel Aviv
2008 - group exhibition at the Mevaseret Art House, Mevaseret
2007 - solo exhibition at the in the "open house for pride and
2005 - group exhibition at "Bernard" gallery, Tel Aviv
2004 - the graduate exhibition of "Bezalel"
- group exhibition at "Stern" gallery, Tel Aviv

Contact us
Shvil Ha'Mifal 3, Building 5, Floor 1
Tue, Wed, Thu: 16:00-19:00
Fri, Sat: 11:00 - 14:00